This week we had to go out and photograph 5 directional symbols that did not include an arrow.
Surprisingly i found this harder than i expected, for the main reason that just about everything directional includes an arrow.
below are the 5 that i found.....

The dashed line next to the scissors symbol is a common directional tool used to show where to cut along.

Traffic lights use colours as symbols green representing go, yellow representing slow down and red representing stop.

The stop sign is one of the most common directional symbols. The combination of text, colour and shape is effective in communicating to the viewer exactly what is required from them.

Bike lanes are used throughout the city to guide cyclists onto a safe section of the road away from motor vehicles

Although i could not photograph this symbol, the aeroplane is symbolic of the airport and the nose of the plane is used as if it were an arrow pointing out the direction of the airport in respect to the sign