Monday, September 27, 2010

Sound Symbol

Symbolising an intangible object proved to be a challenging task. To start i looked at representing sound through depicting the source which makes it ie. speakers, a mouth, etc. I developed this idea and then tried to represent sound through reproducing sound waves as curved lines. above are my 2 attempts

Monday, September 13, 2010

Strength symbol

Strength is often smbolised by a shield

this shield also uses he british lion symbol for strenght

belief symbol

The jesus fish is the previously used christian symbol. Not only was fish a common food of the day, it was also used by Jesus during His ministry.

After the crucifixion of christ, the cross became the most commonly used symbol to represent christianity.

Letter to Woolworths

Dear Sir/Mam,

I’m a first year design student studying at the Billy Blue School of Design in North Sydney. We have recently been presented with a task that requires us to brand and develop a short term charity initiative. We have decided to provide two separate school classes (we are thinking Double Bay Public and Grammar in Paddington) with free apples to promote a healthy lifestyle - we plan on handing out these apples with a colouring sheet with health promoting slogans such as “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This colouring in sheet will then be submitted to a website where we as design students judge the best image. We will then provide the winner with a printed t-shirt of our design. This is where you come in! We were hoping to get Woolworth on side by donating around 200 apples to give to the kids. We would be most happy to include Woolworths in the branding of the exercise and proudly display your logo on all printed materials. We are hoping to have our distribution of apples next week - I realize this very soon but any help would be appreciated.

Cause Poster

Since my last post we have slightly changed our cause..

We are still promoting good health amongst young children but are now targeting their diet. We plan to hand out fresh apples with a colouring in exercise for primary students to complete. They can then go and post their colourings on a blog where the best one will be awarded with their very own custom t-shirt.

This poster is a draft for promoting the cause.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Revolutionary symbol

The old symbol of the unity of peasants and workers, now adapted to represent the communist revolution. The symbol is still used today, such as below it is used in the air russia logo

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pixel Portraits

Although this exercise proved to be a time consuming, tedious job, i am quite happy with the results. Some are better than others, but overall i believe that anyone who knows the lectures i have chosen to depict would readily be able to identify them without any help.

Stephen Andrews

Simon Harris

Peter McGill

David Walsh

Lulu Ruttley

Friday, August 27, 2010


A Rebus is a saying or selection of text converted into a series of images without directly referring to the word. Above is our groups attempt at the saying "ill be back"

Monday, August 23, 2010

Good for goodness sake logo

For our cause we have chosen to promote health and try to reduce air pollution through organising a walking school bus for young students who live local to their school.

We managed to narrow our thoughts down to three core logo ideas and after feedback from the class we have chosen to settle with the top logo.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New and improved group symbol

Final version....We found that our old group symbol was not strong enough to represent 'passion'. This is our new and improved symbol for passion.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Symbols Whos Meaning Has Changed

Once used to represent religions such as Judaism, Paganism, and even early Christianity.. However, in the last hundred years or so Satanic cults used the pentagram.


The swastika is actually thousands of years old, and it is considered a holy symbol by many different religions. In recent times, post WWII the swastika is a renowned symbolic of the nazi party


The cross has been used for thousands of years before Christ was supposedly born. And early Christians may have actually despised the cross because it symbolized executions. Instead of using the cross, Christians used the fish symbol to depict Jesus


Once a hand gesture used to show that you still had your fingers, as in battle men would cut off rival archers fingers making them unusable. now it is an offensive hand gesture like the rude finger.

The middle finger is commonly known as an offensive hand gesture. In modern day times it has become more common and accepted therefore changing its meaning to a less offensive hand gesture. Who knows maybe in the future will be as common as waving hello.

Road signs


Humpty Dumpty exercise

This week in class we were required to retell the popular children's story of Humpty Dumpty through a series of symbols. I decided to retell the story in a modern day version.

Check it out....

Superstitions / Beliefs

Yin Yang

Rabbits Foot

Four Leaf Clover

Black Cat

Monday, August 2, 2010

Group Symbols

For our 5 photos, this week we were required to snapshot groups in society.

The christian church is one of the oldest and largest groups in history.

the lions club international is a volunteer organisation that exists throughout australia.

The South Bondi Life Saving Club is a smaller and more exclusive group

The NSW Police is a group formed in order to serve and protect the community

Graffiti artists form crews to associate one another with each other. BMF is a sydney graffiti crew

A Tribe Called Quest

This week in class we formed groups (tribes) in which we attempted to sum up the overall qualities of ourselves in a single paragraph. from there we simplified that down to a sentence, then to one word and from that word we attempted to create a symbol for ourselves.

A health mix of partying, creativity endeavour and adventure are our core group qualities. A strong sense of humour is integral to our success. We strive to be as efficient as possible in our lives and while family and friends are very important, we value making money in order to travel and eat well.


We believe and value a number of qualities and are passionate about achieving a healthy balance throughout our daily lives.



5 Directional Symbols

This week we had to go out and photograph 5 directional symbols that did not include an arrow.
Surprisingly i found this harder than i expected, for the main reason that just about everything directional includes an arrow.
below are the 5 that i found.....

The dashed line next to the scissors symbol is a common directional tool used to show where to cut along.

Traffic lights use colours as symbols green representing go, yellow representing slow down and red representing stop.

The stop sign is one of the most common directional symbols. The combination of text, colour and shape is effective in communicating to the viewer exactly what is required from them.

Bike lanes are used throughout the city to guide cyclists onto a safe section of the road away from motor vehicles

Although i could not photograph this symbol, the aeroplane is symbolic of the airport and the nose of the plane is used as if it were an arrow pointing out the direction of the airport in respect to the sign

Tangram Exercise

For this exercise students were required to use different shapes that were cut out of black paper to form a number of different things.

These included

An animal

A face

A flower

A vehicle

An appliance

An action figure